Мне нужны атветы на етат тест Healthy lifestyle

Health is very important in life of every person. It depends on our lifestyle, products we eat and habits we have. Health is much more precious than money, gold or some other stuff. So what things help us to stay healthy?!

Health and nutritious food. Eating fast food with high level of calories from salt, sugar and fats lead to such diseases as obesity, diabetes and others. Food is a key element of our good health. Eating healthy, nutritious and vitamin-rich products can improve your health. Fruit and vegetables are natural resources of vitamins A, B, C and E and other useful substances. Bread, dairy products, nuts and low-fat meat give you a large amount of energy and nutritious elements.

Bad habits. A person with bad habits risks to get a lot of illnesses. Smoking cigarettes shortens your life and can cause cancer. Drinking alcohol ruins your organism, destroys your nervous system and leads to liver disfunction. Taking drugs causes addiction and a large number of such illnesses as cancer, AIDS and tuberculosis. If you want to live a long and healthy life you should give up all your bad habits.

An active life with lots of physical exercises. Doing simple exercises every day can increase your health level and improve your immune system. Physical training strengthens your organism and allows effective fighting with illnesses. So if you are active, breathe fresh air and don't stay too much time indoors you will not have problems with your health.

Good and healthy sleep. Sleep is one of the main factors that influences our health. Every person needs to sleep about 8 hours to stay active during weekdays. Bad sleep can decrease your mental and physical abilities, and become a reason for illnesses and stress.

Positive thinking: A lot of people do not consider their emotions as a health factor. Being an optimist allows you to live more happily and easily cope with difficulties and problems. Positive emotions, smiling and laughing prolong your life and let you avoid stress.

At the end I'd like to conclude that without health our life is miserable. People should be more careful of their health. If your health is great you will easily achieve everything you want.

Task 1 True/False

1A person with bad habits risks to get a lot of illnesses.

2Money is a key element of our good health.

3If your health is great you will easily achieve everything you want.

4Smoking cigarettes shortens your life and can cause cancer.

5Drinking alcohol strengthens your organism and allows effective fighting with illnesses.

6. If you want to live a long and healthy life you should give up all your bad habits.

Task 2

Complete the sentences:

1. Our health depends on ….

2. Health is much more precious than …

3. Eating …………..., ………, ……………. products can improve your health.

4. Fruit and vegetables are natural resources of………………………… .

5. Drinking alcohol ruins …………., destroys ………….. and leads to …….. ……

6. Bad sleep can decrease …………………………… .

7. Being an optimist allows you ……………………………… .

Task 3

Answer the questions:

1. What does our health depend on?

2. What are the main components of healthy well-being?

3. Do you agree that food is a key element of our good health? Why?

4. How can bad habits influence our life and health?

5. Are physical exercises and healthy sleep important for our health?

6. Do you consider your emotions as a health factor?

vikulazvezdocka vikulazvezdocka    1   11.02.2022 12:05    365

dimonshegolev dimonshegolev  20.12.2023 19:30
Task 1 True/False: 1. True. A person with bad habits risks getting a lot of illnesses, as mentioned in the passage. 2. False. Money is not mentioned as a key element of good health in the passage. 3. True. It is mentioned at the end of the passage that if your health is great, you will easily achieve everything you want. 4. True. Smoking cigarettes shortens your life and can cause cancer, as stated in the passage. 5. False. Drinking alcohol does not strengthen the organism or allow effective fighting with illnesses. Instead, it ruins the organism and leads to liver dysfunction, as mentioned in the passage. 6. True. It is mentioned that if you want to live a long and healthy life, you should give up all your bad habits. Task 2: 1. Our health depends on our lifestyle, the products we eat, and the habits we have. 2. Health is much more precious than money, gold, or some other stuff. 3. Eating healthy, nutritious, and vitamin-rich products can improve your health. 4. Fruit and vegetables are natural resources of vitamins A, B, C, and E and other useful substances. 5. Drinking alcohol ruins your organism, destroys your nervous system, and leads to liver dysfunction. 6. Bad sleep can decrease your mental and physical abilities and become a reason for illnesses and stress. 7. Being an optimist allows you to live more happily and easily cope with difficulties and problems, as positive thinking is mentioned to be a health factor. Task 3: 1. Our health depends on our lifestyle, the products we eat, and the habits we have. 2. The main components of healthy well-being include health and nutritious food, avoiding bad habits, having an active life with physical exercises, having good and healthy sleep, and maintaining positive thinking. 3. Yes, food is considered a key element of our good health because eating healthy, nutritious, and vitamin-rich products can improve our health, as mentioned in the passage. 4. Bad habits can influence our life and health negatively. For example, smoking cigarettes can shorten our life and cause cancer, drinking alcohol can ruin our organism and lead to liver dysfunction, and taking drugs can cause addiction and various illnesses such as cancer, AIDS, and tuberculosis. 5. Yes, physical exercises and healthy sleep are important for our health. Doing simple exercises daily can increase our health level and improve our immune system, while bad sleep can decrease our mental and physical abilities and become a reason for illnesses and stress. 6. This question is subjective and the answer may vary. However, based on the passage, emotions are mentioned as a health factor, as being an optimist allows you to live more happily and easily cope with difficulties and problems.
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