Мне нужно составить диалог на языке .(два человека из разных стран) и у каждого должно быть по семь реплик! ! ! напишите до !

Asja21 Asja21    3   28.03.2019 13:30    1

venerochka02 venerochka02  27.05.2020 02:22

- Hello mr Smith

- How do tou do, mr Brown

- It was so good to visit your country. You have so many places of interest!

- Oh, our country is really nice. And Russia is beatufil too.

- Why? I'm really confused

- There are lots of churches in Russia. And our country doesn't have such variety of churches.

- And your country is a centre of intensive swap.

- Bars, cafes, restaurants... It's boring...

- Oh, it is really hot here!

- And there is snow in Russia! Am I right?

- Yeah, warm clothes and tea... Like a dream

- And we have sun every day and every season.

- The same situation.

- What?

- Sometimes we haven't enough snow even to play snowballs.

- Strange weather.

- Yes, like in England. It's funny.

- I would like to visit many places of interest.

- Oh, and I have no any free time to speak

- Bye

- Bye, bye

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