В Великобритании новые университеты основаны Актом парламента или Королевской хартии. Кроме того, для учреждения, чтобы иметь возможность присуждают степени , она должна быть признана Тайного совета , совещательного органа британского главы государства (т.е. монарха).Одно из основных различий между британским и американским университетом системы является то, что все университеты Великобритании, за исключением Букингемском университете , финансируются за счет государства. В Америке, с другой стороны есть только примерно столько общественное как личное высших учебных заведений.Британский Поэтому гораздо больше похож на немецкий университетской системы, чем американская. Тем не менее, важно то, чтобы рассмотреть о британских академических институтов в том, что даже если они финансируются за счет британского правительства, ни один университет не находится в собственности государства и, несмотря на государства спонсирования университетов, сборы в британском университете значительно выше, чем они есть будет в немецких учреждениях. Для получения дополнительной информации см. " платы за обучение ".В отличие от американской и немецкой системе, студенты в Великобритании обычно изучают только один предмет, а не сочетание незначительных и мастер.Одним из преимуществ университетов в Великобритании является то, что большинство студентов, пожелавших принять участие учреждения далеко от своих родных городах.Поэтому большинство университетов предоставляют жилье для своих студентов или, по крайней мере им найти место для жизни. In Great Britain, new universities are founded by Act of Parliament or Royal Charter. In addition, for an institution to be allowed to award degrees, it must be recognized by the Privy Council, an advisory body to the British Head of State (i.e. the monarch).One of the main differences between the British and the American University system is that all of Britain's universities except for the University of Buckingham, are financed by the State. In America on the other hand there are just about as many public as private institutions of higher education. The British is therefore much more similar to the German university system than the American. Yet the important fact to consider about British academic institutions is that even though they are financed by the British government, no university is actually owned by the State and in spite of the state's sponsoring of universities, fees at British university are considerably higher than they are going to be at German institutions. For more information see "student fees".As opposed to the American and German system, students in the United Kingdom generally study only one subject instead of a combination of minor and master.One particularity of universities in UK is that most students choose to attend institutions far away from their hometowns. Consequently most universities provide accommodation for their students or at least help them find a place to live.
In Great Britain, new universities are founded by Act of Parliament or Royal Charter. In addition, for an institution to be allowed to award degrees, it must be recognized by the Privy Council, an advisory body to the British Head of State (i.e. the monarch).One of the main differences between the British and the American University system is that all of Britain's universities except for the University of Buckingham, are financed by the State. In America on the other hand there are just about as many public as private institutions of higher education. The British is therefore much more similar to the German university system than the American. Yet the important fact to consider about British academic institutions is that even though they are financed by the British government, no university is actually owned by the State and in spite of the state's sponsoring of universities, fees at British university are considerably higher than they are going to be at German institutions. For more information see "student fees".As opposed to the American and German system, students in the United Kingdom generally study only one subject instead of a combination of minor and master.One particularity of universities in UK is that most students choose to attend institutions far away from their hometowns. Consequently most universities provide accommodation for their students or at least help them find a place to live.