Мне нужен текс по "как я слежу за своим здоровьем" ! (я 5 класс)

yuliyasss yuliyasss    1   15.09.2019 21:50    5

Tatyna83 Tatyna83  07.10.2020 18:22
To achieve this goal, people must take care of their physical and mental health. There are several ways to do this. The condition of your body depends on how much time you spend playing sports. At least everyone should do morning exercises every day. The most healthy sports are swimming, running and cycling. Healthy eating is also a very important factor. Overeating leads to the development of many dangerous diseases. The daily menu should include meat, fruits and vegetables, dairy products that are rich in vitamins, fats, proteins, etc.
мага399 мага399  07.10.2020 18:22
Как я слежу за своим здоровьем, спросите вы? Я за ним слежу, да еще как! Например я каждый день умываюсь по 2 раза, чищу зубы и делаю зарядку! Еще я не ем не мытых фруктов и овощей, я не слишком - то много сижу за компьютером, но не много есть... Я  слежу за здоровьем, потому что это самое важное в жизни!

How do I care for their health, you ask? I watch him, and how! For example, every day I wash my face 2 times, brush my teeth and do exercises! I don't eat dirty fruit and vegetables, I don't have too much sitting at the computer, but not many have... I'm taking it easy because it's the most important thing in life!
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