Мне надо вставить окончания ing и is, am, are в эти предложения-1. susie do the breakfast dishes 2. susie clean vegetables for lunch. 3. susie have lunch. 4. jim make his bad. 5. jim clean the sitting room. 6. jim work in the garden. 7. jim have lunch. 8. nick make his bad. 9. nick get dog food. 10. nick wash the floor. 11. nick have lunch. зарание пример - suise is making her bad now.
2. Susie is cleaning vegetables for lunch
3. Susie is having lunch
4. Jim is making his bad
5. Jim is cleaning the sitting room
6. Jim is working in the garden
7. Jim is having lunch
8. Nick is making his bad
9. Nick is getting dog food
10. Nick is washing the floor
11. Nick is having lunch