Мне надо на языке сравнить 2 города, 2 животных и 2 актеров по 3 предложения.. заранее

marypawgamesyt marypawgamesyt    3   26.05.2019 00:20    0

гуля5182 гуля5182  22.06.2020 08:46
1. Dusseldorf is a city in German. A lot if people go there to visit some exhibitions. And Berlin is the capital of German. A lot if people go there to enjoy sightseeing.
2. Wolf is a mammal who lives in a forest. It's predator. And a dog is a mammal who usually lives in people's houses. They are friends of people.
3.Angelina Jolie is one of the beauty symbols in the world. The same is for Megan Fox. But Megan Fox is more popular with teenagers and young people because she Jolie is older.
Tuna234 Tuna234  22.06.2020 08:46
Вот у меня получилось также как у нее.
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