Мне! мне нужно найти экзамены по языку за 6 класс 2015 год (письменный: где есть письмо другу). может быть учителя

1Кусочек2Счастья 1Кусочек2Счастья    2   26.06.2019 12:50    2

alinika2007 alinika2007  21.07.2020 10:35
I`ve been writing to you for ages somehow I just wasn`t able to find time. I really should  have written sooner...
I think you are studying hard now. Have you already chosen the university where you going to attend? Is it difficult to study there? How was your summer? What have you been up to? Do you go in for sports? 
I`ve got loads of homework to do tonight. Looking forward to hearing from you. Do keep in touch! Don`t forget to wright! Let me know what happens.
                                                       Yours sincerely,
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