Miss Fairchild, an elegant young lady, was travelling to Washington by train. At Denver the train made a regular stop. The girl was watching the crowds of noisy passengers hurrying along the platform to get into the carriage. With the last whistle two newcomers occupied the only vacant seats opposite Miss Fairchild.

One of the newcomers was heavily built and roughly dressed. He gave Miss Fairchild a gloomy look. The other was a young handsome man with good manners. He smiled brightly at Miss Fairchild and she recognized a friend of her family. She smiled at the young man in return. "Well, Mr Easton, don't you ever recognize old friends?" she said. Suddenly she saw that the two men were linked together with handcuffs (наручники). Mr Easton's right hand was fixed to the left hand of his companion. The girl's look changed to horror and panic.

Before she could say a word the other man broke the silence. He said that her friend, Mr Easton, was a police officer and that he was taking him to prison for illegal money operations. The prison term was seven years. "Don't worry about the bracelets, miss," went on the other man. "All police officers tie themselves to their prisoners to keep them from getting away."

Miss Fairchild was surprised that Mr Easton had got such a job after so many years of carefree life in Washington. She looked at Mr Easton with admiration and respect. "It's very noble of you to serve your country," she said, "Will we see you again soon in Washington?"

Mr Easton answered that he would be very busy with his new job and that he wouldn't be able to join her company in Washington soon.

At these words the gloomy-looking man pulled Mr Easton's right hand. He said that he needed a cigarette and asked to be taken to the smoking carriage. Both men rose to their feet.

Mr Easton held out her hand for a farewell.

"It's too bad you are not going to Washington," said Miss Fairchild in her
usual smiling manner. "But you must go on to Leavenworth prison to do your duty, I suppose?" "Yes," confirmed Mr Easton and the couple headed for the smoker.

In the corridor Mr Easton and his companion passed two passengers who had heard most of the conversation. On of them admired the police officer but added that he was too young. "Young!" exclaimed the other,

1) Denver train station was a deserted place.
true false not stated
2) miss fairchild was travelling woth a lot of luggage
true false not stated
3) mr eatson and miss Fairchild were acquainted with each other
true false not stated
4) the two men unlocked their handcuffs during the trip
true false not stated
5) miss Fairchild had a lot of relatives on Washington
true false not stated
6) the men left the carriage because mr eatson wanted to have a smoke
true false not stated
7) mr eatson promised to visit miss Fairchild in Washington in a month
true false not stated
8) miss Fairchild did not guess who real criminal was

loloshka21 loloshka21    2   15.03.2020 00:35    1675

LSP111 LSP111  09.01.2024 13:00
1) Недостаточно информации в тексте, чтобы дать точный ответ. Текст не указывает, насколько место было пустым или занятым людьми вокруг девушки.
2) Недостаточно информации в тексте, чтобы дать точный ответ. Текст не упоминает о наличии или отсутствии багажа у Мисс Фэйрчайлд.
3) Верно. В тексте указано, что Мисс Фэйрчайлд узнала Мистера Истона как друга своей семьи и улыбнулась ему в ответ.
4) Неверно. В тексте указано, что два новых пассажира были соединены наручниками. Не сказано, что они в какой-то момент открепили наручники во время поездки.
5) Недостаточно информации в тексте, чтобы дать точный ответ. Текст не упоминает о количестве родственников у Мисс Фэйрчайлд в Вашингтоне.
6) Верно. В тексте указано, что Мистер Истон хотел покурить и попросил быть проведенным в курительный вагон.
7) Неверно. В тексте указано, что Мистер Истон сказал, что будет очень занят своей новой работой и не сможет скоро присоединиться к компании Мисс Фэйрчайлд в Вашингтоне.
8) Неверно. В тексте сказано, что Мисс Фэрчайлд ужаснулась и была в панике после того, как увидела, что Мистер Истон связан наручниками с другим мужчиной и этот другой мужчина объяснил, что Мистер Истон является полицейским, который отправляет его в тюрьму за незаконные денежные операции.
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