Mirzo Ulugbek was a sta- tesman, scientist, great as-
There was built a madrasah, which was the
tronomer and mathemati-beginning of the architectural building of the
cian, and a grandson of the (4) ... (What). Since young ages Ulugbek
famous ruler Amir Temur. was interested in astronomy. Later he built a
He was born in (1)... (When). special building for its time, the famous (5) ...
In 1409, Ulugbek be- (What). In 1437, Ulugbek created the (6) ...
came the ruler of (2) ...
(What), where 1018 stars were described. In
(What/Where). During
(7)... (When), after thirty years of astronomical
this period, the city was
observations, the great astronomer created
one of the world
his scientific work - "Ziji Kuragoniy".
centres of science
Nowadays, Ulugbek's scientific work is
of the Middle Ages.
studied in universities around the world. The
There was a (3) ... (What kind) school,
great scientist made very important (8) ...
great astronomers and mathematicians.
(What) in science.

NightyMigly NightyMigly    2   13.03.2022 09:26    0

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