Mining in Australia Australia is the “mainland” of the world's smallest continent. It is mostly very flat and muсh of it is inhospitable desert. A22 of the population lives in the South East and South West where there is a A23 climate. But the weather played only a relatively minor part in establishing population centres. Many argue that the real story was about mining.
The early colonies in South Australia had a terrible struggle economically. But after significant silver, lead and copper A24 were discovered in Southern Australia, the loсal populations began to grow. In 1841 silver and lead were discovered at Glen Osmond - now a suburb of Adelaide: Then came the discovery of copper at Kapunda in 1845.
But the big story was gold! The first "strike" was at Ophir, New South Wales in 1851. A25 weeks more gold was found in the colony of Victoria. The Australian gold rushеs had a major impact A26 Victoria and Australia as a whole. They coloured every aspect of Australian society and elements of it are still clearly visible today. Victoria became the richest colony and Melbourne Australia's largest city.

The population of Australia changed dramatically A27 of the discovery of gold. In 1851 the population was just 437,655. 10 years later it was 1,151,947. The rapid growth came from “new сhums” - recent immigrants from the UK and British Commonwealth. As a lot of
Australians will be quiсk to tell you, muсh of the new wealth was “stolen” back to England. But enough wealth remained to fund substantial development in industry and infrastructure and to A28 the foundations for building modern Australia.

A22 1) Most 2) Many 3) Mainly 4) Main

A23 1) temperature 2) temperate 3) tempered 4) temporal

A24 1) riches 2) stores 3) deposits 4) treasures

A25 1) Throughout 2) During 3) While 4) Within

A26 1) at 2) on 3) for 4) in

A27 1) because 2) due 3) as 4) thanks

A28 1) supply 2) manage 3) secure 4) afford

irinkaff1 irinkaff1    1   18.05.2021 19:14    101

Gggmim Gggmim  20.01.2024 10:34
A22: 1) Most
The passage states that "Australia is mostly very flat and much of it is inhospitable desert." This implies that the majority of Australia is flat and desert-like, so the correct answer is "Most."

A23: 2) Temperate
The passage mentions that 22% of the population lives in the South East and South West where there is a certain climate. The word "climate" suggests that the correct answer is "Temperate," which means mild or moderate.

A24: 3) Deposits
The passage states that significant silver, lead, and copper were discovered in Southern Australia. The mention of these valuable materials suggests that the correct answer is "Deposits."

A25: 4) Within
The passage mentions the discovery of gold at Ophir, New South Wales and then states that more gold was found in the colony of Victoria. The use of the word "more" indicates that the additional discovery happened in a certain time frame, so the correct answer is "Within."

A26: 4) In
The passage states that the Australian gold rushes had a major impact on Victoria and Australia as a whole. The word "impact" suggests that the gold rushes affected these places, so the correct answer is "In."

A27: 2) Due
The passage states that the population of Australia changed dramatically because of the discovery of gold. The word "because" indicates that the discovery of gold was the cause of the changing population, so the correct answer is "Due."

A28: 3) Secure
The passage mentions that enough wealth remained to fund substantial development in industry and infrastructure and to lay the foundations for building modern Australia. The word "fund" suggests that the wealth was used to secure or finance the development, so the correct answer is "Secure."
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