Мини сочинение на тему реклама нужно

YungTrappa1 YungTrappa1    1   21.05.2019 17:40    1

fdglksjf fdglksjf  16.06.2020 13:58

Advertising in our life meets every day. In the street, on television, in a subway, in newspapers... From it we hear about novelties from a meal, clothes, medications... Without advertising to us in any way!

Реклама в нашей жизни встречается каждый день. На улице, по телевидению, в метро, в газетах... Из неё мы узнаём о новинках из еды, одежды, лекарствах... Без рекламы нам никак!

4755Kristina501 4755Kristina501  16.06.2020 13:58

Advertizing is our assistant. She to us helps to learn where that is on sale where what to be. There are special firms which do advertizing to order. I like to do advertizing because it is very cheerful! I like to do advertizing about animated films as I like to dream!

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