Millions of students around the world are going on strike. Find out all about the movement for action on climate change in this video.
Do the preparation task first. Then watch the video and do the exercises. Remember you can read the
transcript at any time.
Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–h next to the numbers 1–8.
1…….. a protest a.
a refusal to go to work or school because you disagree with an
employer or the government
2…….. climate change b. an event where people do something in public (e.g. shouting or
carrying signs) to show their unhappiness about something
3…….. a strike c.
a fuel (e.g. coal, oil or natural gas) formed from the remains of
dead plants and animals
4…….. the Paris Agreement d. types of energy that are available in almost endless quantities
(e.g. solar power, wind power)
5…….. endangered e.
the warming of the world and changes in weather as a result of
human activity
6…….. a coral reef f. a United Nations agreement between countries promising to take
action on climate change
7…….. a fossil fuel g. (about animals or plants) at risk of completely dying out
8…….. renewable energy h. a line of coral (a living thing that looks like rock) in the sea