Мені задали написати 10 речень про баскетбол . іть будь ласка

viktoriakovalch viktoriakovalch    1   02.10.2019 23:40    2

AlinaFirdysovna5 AlinaFirdysovna5  10.09.2020 22:56

Basketball is a dynamic and entertaining sport. It allows you to get a good physical exertion and learn how to work in a team. Basketball is played by 9 people in a team. The goal of each team in basketball is to throw the ball into the opponent's basket. Unfortunately, like most game sports, basketball is quite traumatic.

The most vulnerable spot of a basketball player is his knees.

The second most injured place is the shoulder. To avoid injuries during the game, you need to warm up and stretch carefully, as well as use shoes specifically designed for basketball.

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