Members of the public 1) to the opening of new whittaker gallery next wednesday, 18th march, at 6 pm. the gallery, on the top floor of the museum, 2) in february, and 3) by the major of shelby. the gallery 4) to display the oriental collection, which 5) to shelby museum by mrs. whittaker in 1998. the specialists 6) the collection, and many paintings and statues 7) to the public for the first time. opening hours at the museum are from 9 am to 6 pm daily. admission is ₤2.50 for adults and ₤1.00 for children. members of the shelby museum society 8) free of charge. please note that cameras 9) inside the museum. 1. a) invite 2. a) was completed 3. a) will be opened 4. a) is built 5. a) gives 6. a) are recognized 7. a) will be shown 8. a) admitted 9. a) were not allowed b) are invited b) completes b) opened b) builds b) gave b) recognized b) show b) are admitted b) do not allow c) were invited c) is completed c) opens c) is being built c) is given c) were recognized c) showed c) were admitted c) are not allowed d) invited d) completed d) was opened d) built d) was given d) recognize d) had been shown d) admit d) did not allow