Match two parts of the sentences. 1) She goes swimming a) Why not go to the country? 2) They have to stay in b) to shout at Ann? They can't afford. 3) Are you fit enough c) to have a holiday. 4) To spend too much d) to ask for help, money 5) To err is human, e) to post it? 6) Don't hesitate to phone f) to see how she is .me 7) The weather is fine, g) to try and keep her weight down. 8) The letter is urgent, h) if you need help could you remind me. 9) I am sure, she is OK .i) would be foo lish. We could telephone.10) Who allowed you j) to take part in the competition? 11) She is too proud k) to forgive divine. 12) Ann is tired. She is l) to go out very much, eager.​

yfcnz1215 yfcnz1215    3   23.02.2021 12:07    8

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