Match the words and translate the word combinations. use them in the sentences of your own. canoe the road hit the plane varied swimming board by air travel landscapes

Sofia667 Sofia667    2   14.03.2019 20:30    14

Mavl58 Mavl58  25.05.2020 10:29

Hit the road- отправиться в дорогу/ в поездку/ в путешествие

Varied landscapes - разнообразные пейзажи,ландшафты

Board the plane- садиться в самолёт

Travel by air- путешествовать по воздуху ( на самолёте, вертолёте)

Canoe swimming - плавать на каноэ

When are you going to hit the road?

There are a lot of varied landscapes in Scotland.

It is time to board the plane.

Have you ever travelled by air?

She was afraid of canoe swimming.

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