Match the titles to the texts. One title is extra A. Robots in the space B. Houses ofthe next century C. Robots that rock and roll! D. The medical robot E. Th E. The robotic car

bbigigitovadakit bbigigitovadakit    1   12.02.2022 04:39    101

2000nmz 2000nmz  16.01.2024 09:27
Sure! Ниже приведены тексты и их соответствующие названия. Задача состоит в том, чтобы соотнести тексты с их названиями. Одно название излишнее.

Text 1:
Have you ever wondered what the future of transportation will look like? Well, say hello to the robotic car! These cars are equipped with advanced technology that allows them to drive without a human driver. They use sensors and cameras to navigate the roads and avoid obstacles. The robotic car is not only more efficient but also safer since it eliminates the possibility of human error. Get ready for a new era of transportation!

Text 2:
Robots are no longer limited to factories and laboratories. They have now entered the medical field too! The medical robot is designed to assist doctors and surgeons in various medical procedures. It can perform delicate surgeries with precision, making it a valuable tool in the operating room. The medical robot can also be used to administer medication and monitor patients. With its advanced capabilities, it has the potential to revolutionize healthcare.

Text 3:
Imagine a future where houses can clean themselves, adjust the temperature, and even cook meals. Well, this future is not too far away! The houses of the next century will be equipped with smart technology and robots that can perform these tasks. These robots will be programmed to understand and respond to voice commands, making them user-friendly. With the houses of the next century, everyday tasks will become easier and more convenient.

Text 4:
Robots are not just confined to Earth; they are also exploring space! Robots are being sent to space to aid in various missions and exploration. They can perform tasks that are too dangerous or difficult for humans to handle. These robots are equipped with advanced technology to withstand the harsh conditions of space. They can collect data, repair equipment, and even assist astronauts in their daily tasks. The presence of robots in space is opening up new possibilities for scientific research and exploration.

Text 5:
Robots are no longer just stationary machines; they can now rock and roll! These dancing robots are programmed with complex algorithms to perform intricate dance routines. They can move with precision and rhythm, captivating the audience with their amazing dance moves. These robots are not only entertaining but also showcase the advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence. Get ready to witness a new form of entertainment with robots that rock and roll!

Now, let's match the texts with their titles:

Text 1: E. The robotic car
This text talks about the futuristic cars that can drive themselves with the help of advanced technology.

Text 2: D. The medical robot
This text discusses the use of robots in the medical field to assist doctors and surgeons in various medical procedures.

Text 3: B. Houses of the next century
This text describes the houses of the future equipped with smart technology and robots to perform everyday tasks.

Text 4: A. Robots in space
This text highlights the role of robots in space missions and their ability to perform tasks in the harsh conditions of space.

Text 5: C. Robots that rock and roll!
This text focuses on the dancing robots programmed to perform intricate dance routines as a form of entertainment.

Extra Title: Th E. The robotic car
This title is extra and does not match any of the texts.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.
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