Match the terms with theirdefinitions. 1. behaviorism a)the processof ―lookinginwardǁ andexamining
one's self and one's own actions in order to gain
2. structuralism b) the form of psychodynamic therapywhich
concentrates on bringing forward repressed
unconscious thoughts.
3. gestaltism c) a theory of mind and brain which studieshow
people integrate and organize perceptual information
into meaningful wholes. The phrase "The whole is
greater than the sum of the parts" is often used when
explaining this theory.
4. introspection d) the school of thought that stresses the needfor
psychology to be a science based on observable (and
only observable) events, not the unconscious or
conscious mind.

SaNur78 SaNur78    2   06.12.2021 16:26    140

nilovaekaterin nilovaekaterin  26.01.2024 10:42
1. Behaviorism (a):
Behaviorism is a school of thought in psychology that emphasizes the study of observable behavior rather than focusing on internal mental processes. It believes that behavior is learned through the interaction between an individual's response to stimuli and their environment. In behaviorism, the focus is on the external factors that influence behavior and the consequences that follow certain behaviors.

2. Structuralism (b):
Structuralism is a psychological approach that aims to analyze the structure of the human mind by breaking down experiences into their basic elements. It focuses on identifying the fundamental components of mental processes such as sensations, perceptions, and feelings. The goal of structuralism is to understand the underlying structure of consciousness and how different elements combine to create our subjective experiences.

3. Gestaltism (c):
Gestaltism is a theory of psychology that emphasizes the integration and organization of sensory information into meaningful wholes. It suggests that individuals perceive and understand the world as unified and organized patterns rather than as separate elements. The theory proposes that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, meaning that our perception of an object or situation is influenced by how we mentally organize the different components.

4. Introspection (d):
Introspection is the process of self-reflection and examining one's own thoughts, emotions, and experiences. It involves looking inward and exploring one's inner world to gain insights and understand one's own behavior and mental processes. Introspection was a key method used in early psychological research, particularly during the period of structuralism, where individuals would report their conscious experiences in response to stimuli.

To match the terms with their definitions, we can use the following key:

1. Behaviorism - The school of thought that stresses the need for psychology to be a science based on observable (and only observable) events, not the unconscious or conscious mind.
2. Structuralism - The form of psychodynamic therapy which concentrates on bringing forward repressed unconscious thoughts.
3. Gestaltism - A theory of mind and brain which studies how people integrate and organize perceptual information into meaningful wholes. The phrase "The whole is greater than the sum of the parts" is often used when explaining this theory.
4. Introspection - The process of "looking inward" and examining one's self and one's own actions in order to gain insight.

Using this key, we can now match the terms with their definitions:
1 - d (Behaviorism)
2 - b (Structuralism)
3 - c (Gestaltism)
4 - a (Introspection)
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