Match the phrares 1. to make. 2. to produce. 3. to create. 4. to travel with. 5. to be born. 6. to get. 7. to exhaust. 8. to entertain. a) a special oscar. b) the adult. c) a cartoon. d) a trip. e) the british company. f) the people. g) ın poverty. h) movies.
6-A To get a special Oscar.
4-B To travel with the adult.
2-C To produce a cartoon.
1-D To make a trip.
7-E To exhaust the British company (в этом я не уверена)
8-F To entertain the people
5-G To be born ın poverty.
3-H To create movies.
to get a Special Oscar; to exhaust the adult; to create a cartoon; to make a trip; to travel with the British company; to be born in poverty; to produce movies.