Match the halves of the sentences. Take note of the prepositions before nouns and adjectives in prepositional phrases.  Alma showed us some pictures

The flight has been cancelled

We began our journey

I stayed in a cabin

from Greece.

by the river.

of the amazing places she had visited.

because of dense fog.

Match the halves of the sentences. Take note of the prepositions before nouns and adjectives in prep

onyfriyevanast onyfriyevanast    1   12.12.2020 02:30    1

lebrov lebrov  11.01.2021 02:36

Я знаю что плагиат но если бы вопрос был без ответа его бы удалили поэтому вот


Match the halves of the sentences. Take note of the prepositions before nouns and adjectives in prep
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