Маленький диалог на английском на тему мои обязанности

neponyatkiii neponyatkiii    2   29.11.2020 22:50    1

наська241 наська241  29.12.2020 22:53

Разговор между мамой и сыном :

- Son, did you get the chicken out of the freezer like I asked?

-No, mom

-What?Why not?You left all of us without any supper.It was your responsibility, Jackson

-No, this nonsense is not my responsibility.

- What are your duties, Mr. slacker ?

- Play video games, shoot videos on YouTube and go out with friends.

- It's time for you to go to kindergarten, with these responsibilities, Jackson, you'll never grow up.

- Okay, I'm sorry, mom, I won't do this again

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