Максимальное количество . you have just visited an art exhibition in the place where you live. write an email to your english-speaking friend. include the following: -the place where the exhibition is held (не город, просто место) -the artworks which are exhibited (тут тупо придумать надо) -your point of view on the best works

imrangaraev imrangaraev    1   23.07.2020 19:18    0

5675431 5675431  15.10.2020 15:29

Good day. dear friend Michael.

I just visited an exhibition of paintings in our art museum. I was attracted by oil paintings. This painting is one of the most ancient forms of art. Painting tells about life, captures people, nature, the world around. More than others I was struck by the famous landscape of A. K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived" He conveys a picture of the early Russian spring. Also in our art museum there is a hall of decorative and applied arts. It contains works created by folk craftsmen. The art museum keeps the monuments of art alive and studies them.

Come visit, I'll show you our art museum.

Goodbye, Michael. Be healthy.

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