Make up possibli questions to the given answers. 1) …? – yes, i do. i want to be a doctor. 2) …? – no, she doesn’t like tea. 3) …? – yes, they went there last week. 4) …? – he swam in the river yesterday. 5) …? – we had lunch at 1 o’clock. заранее !

Помогитемне11111119 Помогитемне11111119    3   09.07.2019 04:10    0

NastiaZaic NastiaZaic  19.08.2020 07:17
1) would you like to be a doctor?
2)Does she like tra?
3)Do they went there last week?
4)Does he swam in the river yesterday?
Nasva Nasva  19.08.2020 07:17
Do you want to be a doctor?
Does she like tea?
Did they go there?

When did he swim in the river?
When did you have lunch?
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