Make tag questions and answer them. 1. london is the biggest city in europe, isn't it? yes, it is. 2. it is washed by theindian and the pacific oceans

лиза27011971 лиза27011971    2   13.08.2019 05:30    0

katya8787871 katya8787871  14.08.2020 13:18
tag questioncorrect answernotesSnow is white, isn't it?Yes (it is).Answer is same in both cases - because snow is white!But notice change of stresswhen answerer does not agree with questioner.Snow isn't white, is it?Yes it is!Snow is black, isn't it?No it isn't!Answer is same in both cases - because snow is not black!Snow isn't black, is it?No (it isn't).
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