Make sure that you understand everything and then do the task after the text.

Water footprint

Water is essential in our daily lives. But sometimes the size of our water footprint is shocking. It shows the amount of water a person uses, directly or indirectly, every day.

All day we use water directly. This is our primary footprint. This includes the water we drink, the water we need for a shower or the water we use to wash the dishes. But what about the water that we use indirectly; the water used to produce, grow or make the things we buy? This is our secondary footprint, and sometimes it is much bigger than we think. After all, 70% of the world’s fresh water is used for agriculture so the things we eat can make a big difference. And, to make almost anything, from a computer to a T-shirt, you need water. Here are some facts that may make you think about how much water we use in a day:
Brushing your teeth uses about seven and a half litres of water. It takes approximately 1,286 litres of water to produce a loaf of bread. But it takes about 2,310 litres to produce a 150g steak! An automatic dishwasher uses approximately 40 litres of water. Washing dishes by hand can use up to 75 litres. A typical individual in the United States uses 500 litres of water each day. But over 1 billion people in the world use less than 6 litres of water per day. The average toilet uses 8 litres of clean water each time you use it.

Translate the words. Write five words with a comma (,).

Все слова нужно написать с маленькой буквы через запятую. Не забудьте поставить пробел после каждой запятой. Нумеровать слова не нужно.

косвенно, пресный, сельское хозяйство, приблизительно (не about), миллиард

olykylak2551 olykylak2551    3   18.02.2020 22:22    7

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