Make generaal questions to these sentences. 1) sue was watcheng tv at 5 o'clock yesterday 2) the pupils were writing a test when the bell rang 3) mr smith was reading the newspaper when the doctor came 4) ed was doing his room at 7 o'clock yesterday 5) emma and dan were drinking tea when the film began 6) don was sitting on the sjfa when the doorbell rang 7) she was cooking when her friends came

dshvedova06 dshvedova06    1   02.09.2019 06:40    1

rudypal12p08ufl rudypal12p08ufl  06.10.2020 11:19
1) Was Sue watching TV at 5 o'clock yesterday?
2) Were the pupils  writing a test when the bell rang?
3) Was Mr Smith reading the newspaper when the doctor came?
4) Was Ed doing his room at 7 o'clock yesterday?
5) Were Emma and Dan drinking tea when the film began?
6) Was Don sitting on the sofa when the doorbell rang?
7) Was she cooking when her friends came?
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