M r
price (prais]: What price did you pay for the bag?
sell (sold [sould), sold): Farmers sell vegetables and
fruit in the market. Apples are selling at a
18. Read and use in situations:
What is the price of this suit?
low price in autumn.
department (di pa:tmənt]: The shoe department of this
shop is on the second floor. Tomorrow my mother
will take me to the children's clothing (clothes
department to buy me a coat.
store [stɔ:]: This large store sells clothes, There is
a small store in the village where you can
get different things.
sweet (swi:t]: On her birthday she received a box of
sweets. My grandmother does not like sweets.
ice-cream ['aiskrim]: An ice-cream is very good in
hot weather: Do you like ice-cream?
shopping: When his mother is at the factory he goes
shopping. She did her shopping in the morning
and was back before breakfast.