Міні твір на тему мій улюблений вид транспорту. на ійській мові. будь ласка потрібно дуже швидко.

dana112414 dana112414    3   24.09.2019 15:00    7

новичок604 новичок604  04.08.2020 15:21
I do love to travel and enjoy different kinds of transport. Therefore, it is difficult to say which one is my favorite, because it depends on where you want to reach. If the destination is not far and the weather is good, the best form of transport to get there is the bike. If you go very far, my favorite mode of transport is the train. To go by train is very convenient - in my opinion, even more comfortable than the bus. Besides I like to sit by the window and listen to the sound of the wheels. But if you need to get somewhere very far away, for example, in another country, the best mode of transport is the plane.Therefore, I believe that all types of transport good, just all depends on where you are traveling.
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