Люди нужно написать сочинение на тему "кто не знает иностранного языка,тот не знает своего собственного" нужно до понедельника и надо что бы было 300 !

MilkaKamilka5 MilkaKamilka5    3   27.06.2019 18:10    4

aleksа005005 aleksа005005  22.07.2020 07:09
A person who doesn't know a foreign language, doesn't know his own language

Let me begin by saying that nothing is good or bad but by comparison. That's why if you don't know a foreign language you can't appreciate your own one. Do you agree with this thought? I do and I'll explain why.
First, when you learn a foreign language you learn your mother tongue too because you translate words, expressions and sentences from one language to another and compare grammar constructions, rules, idioms etc. In this process you learn more about your language too and understand it better.
Besides, when you learn another language you learn more about the culture and the people who speak this language. You compare your culture with this one, you learn more about your culture and you learn to appreciate your culture. If you appreciate your culture, you appreciate your language too, because they have very close connection with each other. For example, many expressions in a language come from books by famous writers and if you haven't read the books you won't understand the origin of these expressions.
Moreover, philologists think that all the languages develop from one ancient language. The Bible says so too. That's why there are many similar things in different languages: similar grammar constructions, tenses, international words and so on. If you learn several languages you will easies understand the etimology of many words in your own language.
To sum up, to know only one language isn't enough for an educated person. Remember that all well-educated persons around the world know five, ten and even more languages, they translate stories and poems from one language into another and thus, appreciate their own language more.
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