hot rainy wind snow sunny rain
1. I need an umbrella, it's...
2. Let's go skiing, there's lots of ...
3. Shut the window, it's getting ...
4. Look! The ... is blowing the leaves into the hall.
5. When it children make snowmen.
6. The sky is blue, it's a lovely ... day.
7. It's very ... today. Why don't we go swimming to cool down?
8. Take a sweater. It might be ... later.
9. I think it's very ... in Antarctica.
10. It doesn't often ... in the desert.
1. rainy
2. snow
3. rain
5. snow
6. sunny
7. hot
8. cold
9. cold
10. rain
1.rainy,2.snow,3.thunder,4.wind 5.freeizing.6.warm.7.hot.8.rain
9.icy 10hail