ЛЮДИ ХЕЛП МИ КРЧ вопросы по англу. 1) True, False,o r lmpossible to Know? Readt he statementsb elow
and write T (True)F, (False)o,r | (lmpossiblteo Know).
| . One of the main purposes of the reading is to encourage
students to form learning teams.
In a recent study, virtually all Harvard University
students said that joining a study team helped them
be more successful.
According to the article, a team that includes men and
women will probably be more effective than a team
with only men.
To be successful, learning teams need a strong leader.
It's a good idea to form teams of people who have
similar interests.
6. From the reading, you can infer that a team of five
people is better than a team of six.
2) Consider the issues. Work with a partner to answer the
questionsb elow.
l. The authors describe several learning team activities that can
improve your academic performzrrce. Which team activity would
help you most? Which activity would help you least? Why?
2. The reading provides information on what yott should do to form
and maintain an effective study team. Make a list of three to five
things you should,n't do when putting together and maintaining a
learning team.
3. The authors say that teamwork is one of the most valued skills in
today's work world. Why do you think this is true? Это всё из учебника Select Reading p.17 ex A,B.

ghdvbeudv ghdvbeudv    1   18.02.2021 16:56    24

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