Looking for job (after м. gold) when i was twelve i was one of the best pupils in my class at public school, and left it a year earlier than most boys. my parents were proud of me, of course. they wanted me to go to high school. but even then i realized that education was for the rich. i refused to
go to high school. i knew that most of the boys in my class were going to work. and i decided to be one of them. i told my parents that i needed to spend four years at high school, then six years at college before i could become a doctor. ten years of study! where could i get thousands of dollars
for books, tuition and everything else? there were four children in my family. my mother could not work. could my father get the money for all of us, and besides pay for my education? of course not. miss barry, an english teacher, tried to get me to go to high school, too. she said that she could
hardly imagine that i would work in a factory. “i’ve never seen better compositions than yours, michael,” she said. but i told her that my father was unable to support me, and that i would have to work. she asked me to promise her to study at night. i told her that i would, though i knew it was a
lie. but i loved books, i was carried away by many books; i wanted very much to go to high school and college. miss barry presented me with a book. i thanked her for it and threw it under the bed when i returned home. i never read a page in it, or in any other book for the next five years. i told
myself that i hated books, that they were lies and were different from life. it was not easy to find my first job. i looked for it for months. every morning i bought a newspaper and looked through the want ads. at last i found work. it was in a factory. the place was dark and hot; air was poisoned.
the boys and girls working at the long table were wet, their faces were white and angry. there was no time for anything but work. i forgot my college hopes, i could not sleep at night. my mother saw that i was losing my health and she made me leave the job. then a job in a shop, at a chemist’s.
jobs. jobs. i went from one to another without plan, without hope. i was at a loss what to do. one day i stopped to listen to a man who was speaking about the struggle for a better life. the words brought hope to me and made me think, struggle and live. it was the great beginning for me. 1. the
author dreamed to continue the education. l)true 2) false 3) not stated 2. the author had to work because he was from a poor family. l)true 2) false 3) not stated 3. his teacher wanted him to get a good job. l)true 2) false 3) not stated 4. the author refused to read the books because he
didn’t like reading. l)true 2)false 3) not stated 5. the author worked in the miserable conditions. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated 6. the author gave up the job because of a terrible cold. l)true 2) false 3) not stated 7. the author wanted to gain experience in his jobs. l)true 2) false 3)
not stated 8. an unexpected meeting changed all his life. l )true 2) false 3) not stated

linochek278 linochek278    2   07.10.2019 14:01    280

natka5031980 natka5031980  25.01.2024 09:09
Хотя я теперь - не учитель, но рад помочь тебе разобраться с этим вопросом.

1. The author dreamed to continue the education.
Ответ: True. В тексте автор говорит, что желал продолжить свое образование, но не мог это сделать из-за недостатка денег.

2. The author had to work because he was from a poor family.
Ответ: True. Автор говорит, что решил идти на работу, потому что семья была бедной и его родители не могли позволить себе оплатить его образование.

3. His teacher wanted him to get a good job.
Ответ: Not stated. В тексте не ясно, хотела ли его учительница, чтобы он получил хорошую работу. Она только призывала его продолжать обучение.

4. The author refused to read the books because he didn't like reading.
Ответ: False. В тексте автор говорит, что он отказался читать книги, потому что считал их ложью и отличающимися от реальной жизни, а не потому, что не любил чтение.

5. The author worked in miserable conditions.
Ответ: True. В тексте говорится, что его первая работа была в темном и жарком месте с отравленным воздухом. Они трудились в тяжелых условиях.

6. The author gave up the job because of a terrible cold.
Ответ: False. В тексте говорится, что его мать заметила, что он теряет здоровье, и заставила его уйти с работы, но ничего не упоминается о причине (тяжелой простуде).

7. The author wanted to gain experience in his jobs.
Ответ: Not stated. В тексте не упоминается о желании автора получить опыт на своих работах.

8. An unexpected meeting changed all his life.
Ответ: True. В тексте говорится, что одна неожиданная встреча привнесла надежду, заставила его задуматься, бороться и жить и открыла большие возможности для его будущего.

Надеюсь, это поможет тебе разобраться с вопросами. Если у тебя остались какие-либо вопросы, не стесняйся задавать.
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