Look, think and answer. 1. Which explorers are Simon and Alex talking about?
2. What was Cousteau's ship called?
3. Who did Alex write about?
4. What did Cousteau explore?

Look, think and answer. 1. Which explorers are Simon and Alex talking about? 2. What was Cousteau's

Still227 Still227    2   16.02.2021 16:55    5

фирузаалиева фирузаалиева  18.03.2021 17:04

Брат тут я думаю вопросе в кантиниусе. Я не пойму смысл задачи не видно картинок ну что могу показать пример.

Simon is waterimg the flower?

No he isn't,he is washing a car.

ну что то такое попробуй.

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