Look at the list. complete the dialogue
- with a, some, any or no.

water bottles
sweets ✓
chocolate ✓
other food x
sleeping bags +
warm clothes ×
mobile phone
map x
card games
cd player
music x
! +

a: we've got 1somewater bottles and
and sweets.
b: have we got
other food?
a: no, we haven't. let's get pasta
b: okay. we've got 5. sleeping
bags, but have we
a: no, we haven't. good idea. we need

b: right. we've got and
we've got 9 mоnеу. what about
a: good idea.
b: we've got 11 card games and
cd player. but we ve got
a: okay, let's

юличеноккалина юличеноккалина    1   06.12.2019 20:38    12

sematom sematom  10.10.2020 19:00














Ivanova567 Ivanova567  19.01.2024 11:43
A: we've got some water bottles and no sweets.
B: have we got any other food?
A: no, we haven't. Let's get pasta.
B: okay. We've got five sleeping bags, but have we got any warm clothes?
A: no, we haven't. Good idea. We need some.
B: right. We've got one and we've got nine money. What about the map?
A: good idea.
B: we've got eleven card games and a CD player. But we don't have any music.
A: okay, let's get some CDs.

In this dialogue, the characters are discussing the items they have and don't have for a trip. They use different determiners (a, some, any, no) to talk about the items. The determiner "a" is used before countable nouns in singular form when we want to refer to one item. The determiner "some" is used before countable nouns or uncountable nouns in plural form when we want to refer to an unspecified amount or number. The determiner "any" is used before countable or uncountable nouns in questions or negative sentences to ask or state the absence of something. The determiner "no" is used before countable or uncountable nouns to express the absence of something.

For example, in the first sentence, character A says "we've got some water bottles and no sweets." Here, "some" is used before "water bottles" to refer to an unspecified amount, and "no" is used before "sweets" to express the absence of sweets.

In the second sentence, character B asks "have we got any other food?" Here, "any" is used before "other food" in a question to ask if there is an unspecified amount of other food.

In the third sentence, character A responds "no, we haven't. Let's get pasta." Here, "no" is used before "we haven't" to state the absence of other food, and "Let's get" suggests a solution to the problem.

Similarly, in the subsequent sentences, the characters continue the dialogue using appropriate determiners to discuss the items they have or don't have. They use "one" before "sleeping bags," "nine" before "money," "a" before "map," and "eleven" before "card games." When they realize they don't have any music, they decide to get some CDs.

By using determiners correctly, the characters effectively communicate their needs and plan accordingly for their trip.
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