Look at the information again. Write a word in each gap to complete the questions and answer them​

Look at the information again. Write a word in each gap to complete the questions and answer them​

gdhdf gdhdf    3   19.10.2020 13:33    29

Yana0865 Yana0865  18.11.2020 13:33

2. have Mark and John ridden a horse? /yes, they have

3. has Eva ridden a horse? /yes, she has

4. has Mark eaten Japanese food? / no, he hasn't

5. has Jim goes to New York? / no, he hasn't

6. has Eva eaten Japanese food? /yes, she has

7. has Eva goes to New York? /yes, she has


я ответил примерно в ответ- yes, she/he/they has/have

но вопросы правильные.

в множественoм числе "has" становятся "have"


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