Look at pictures A and B. What are the differences? Write sentences using there isn't a and there aren't any.

Look at pictures A and B. What are the differences? Write sentences using there isn't a and there ar

monsterhi003 monsterhi003    2   25.02.2022 23:06    6

Злата168 Злата168  25.02.2022 23:10


In picture A we can see a lot of houses and cars. But there aren`t a lot of houses in picture B. In picture B we can see the animal(Я написала, що на картинці В ми бачимо тваринку, ви дивіться, чи біля хлопчика присутня тварина, просто трішки погано видно) near boy. But there isn`t the animal  in picture A.


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