llatch the beginnings of the sentences (r-6) with the endings (a-f) to make definitions of more
key terms.
r Lead time is the time
z Procurement is
3 A retailer is a business
I Customer order cycle time is the time
5 A wholesaler is
6 JIT - just in time is a concept
UNIT 3 Inventory management and procurement I 21
a customers are prepared to wait for the delivery of their order.
b of reducing inventories by co-ordinating the detivery of materiats just before they are needed.
c it takes to produce and supply a product.
d an intermediary between manufacturers and retailers which buys in large quantities and resells
in smaller quantities.
e that buys products from wholesalers ormanufacturers and resells them to the uttimate
f the purchasing of goods (materials, parts, supplies, equipment) required to run an enterprise.
Listen to an expert presenting an inventory management system to the managers of a large retail
store. Then saywhich of the statements are true Z or fakeE.
r The inventory system is catted CPR.
z ll's a sales-based system.
3 The system co-ordinates the flow of information and goods in the togistichain.
4 Young Fashion has used the system for six years now.
5 Orders are electronically transferred to the warehouse.
6 The store has reduced transport and inventory costs by about 25 per cent

АндрейZAV АндрейZAV    1   07.06.2021 09:04    166

gc12 gc12  15.01.2024 10:44
В 21 единице программы "Управление запасами и закупками" мы рассматриваем некоторые ключевые термины, связанные с этой темой. Давайте распарсим текст и составим определения для этих терминов:

r Lead time is the time c it takes to produce and supply a product.
(Срок поставки - это время, которое требуется для производства и поставки продукта.)

z Procurement is f the purchasing of goods (materials, parts, supplies, equipment) required to run an enterprise.
(Закупки - это покупка товаров (материалов, деталей, принадлежностей, оборудования), необходимых для работы предприятия.)

3 A retailer is e that buys products from wholesalers or manufacturers and resells them to the ultimate consumer.
(Розничная торговля - это покупка товаров у оптовиков или производителей и их перепродажа конечным потребителям.)

I Customer order cycle time is a customers are prepared to wait for the delivery of their order.
(Время цикла заказа клиента - это время, на которое клиенты готовы ждать доставки своего заказа.)

5 A wholesaler is d an intermediary between manufacturers and retailers which buys in large quantities and resells in smaller quantities.
(Оптовик - это посредник между производителями и розничными торговцами, который покупает товары оптом и перепродаёт их в меньших количествах.)

6 JIT - just in time is b a concept of reducing inventories by coordinating the delivery of materials just before they are needed.
(JIT - просто вовремя - это концепция снижения запасов путем координации поставки материалов непосредственно перед их необходимостью.)

Теперь давайте послушаем эксперта, представляющего систему управления запасами, менеджерам крупного розничного магазина. Затем скажем, какие утверждения являются верными (Z) или ложными (E).

r The inventory system is called CPR.

z It's a sales-based system.

3 The system coordinates the flow of information and goods in the logistics chain.

4 Young Fashion has used the system for six years now.

5 Orders are electronically transferred to the warehouse.

6 The store has reduced transport and inventory costs by about 25 percent.
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