Literaturecharlotte's webbyyour and what are saltatoetings and the voice "when way s tationway of saying hello tr o ng achaly. it'sand i am surprised than used it at all as to wherelook up here in me corner of the doorway! here! fareforhis rolthe creatore that spoke to him in sinh a linyacross the upper part of the doorway was a bigw hanging from the top of the web head down, was ashe was about the size of a gomdoop. she had itone of them at wilbur in friendly wreetingpidersheshe wavede1** read the adaptation fromthe book and complete thesentenceswshe askedand wdeed,ad wilbur "yes indeed! how are you? chodtiom very pleased to meet you. what is your name1 wilbur was surprised becausemay i have your name2 charlotte is speaking towilbur from3 wilbur thinks charlotte 15tharlotte a cartank you're beausaid the spider" is charlotteasked wilbur eagerlye a cavanca. but just call me charlotteyou're beautiful," said wilburpretty." replied charlotte. "theres no denyingall spiders are rather nice looking i'm not a4 in response to wilbur'scompliment. charlotteal almost allsome, but i am ok2** write a short summary ofthe extractacross cultures6*read the text and answer the questions.1 on which things can you find picturesof wollhounds? 2 how did the irish wolfhound get itsname? 3 what is unusual about the wolfhound'ssize? the trish waitheundithe great dog of irelandgreat in size and strength, the insh wollhound isone of the best symbols of ireland early irish kingsused the image of the wolfhound on their flags. inmore recent times, the wolfhound's image hasappeared on many irish things, from coins and stamps to chinathe wollhound is one of the oldest dog breeds. the history of thisgreat dog goes back to 250 bc when the wolfhound foughtalongside celtic warriors in battle. irish kings later used the doglo hunt wolves and it is from its great hunting abilities the dog golits name.famous for its size, the wolfhound stands almost two metres tallon its back legs, making it the tallest of all dogs. surprisingly, thewollhound is gentler than it looks and very loyal to its ownerthese gentle giants are a proud symbol of ireland and its longnich history** ict is there an animal that is asymbol in your country? what does itlook like? what is its history? collectinformation about it and write aparagraph about it​

Макс228336 Макс228336    2   06.05.2019 17:24    2

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