LISTENING TASK.1 Listen to the text about trains twice and circle the correct answer. Go to the link Mark sentences as True or False. 1. The most comfortable means of transport for travelling is train. 2. You can see all the sights during the journey. Variant I 3. The author likes crowded trains on his way to work. Fill in the gaps. Write no more than ONE WORD for each answer. 4. He often travels by train on his 5. The author prefers to travel by train to READING CHOOSE THE RIGHT OPTION. 1. The author says that her neighbours ... a) are on holiday b)are kind 2. I have... lovely and friendly neighbours a)3 b) 2 True True TASK. 2 Read the text about neighbourhood and circle the correct answer My neighbourhood I live at number 15, Main Street. I have lots of lovely neighbours. They are friendly and he three next-door neighbours-Aisha lives at number13 and Claire and Helen live at number 17. Ev Claire and I leave for work at the same time, and we always have a quick chat-we usually t weather. If I go on holiday, Aisha puts my bins out for me. When Helen and Claire go away, I fe ish and look after their cats. Piotr lives opposite me at number16. He has two small children and babysit them for him when he works late. Pat lives at number 20. She is quite nosey and likes to hing about everyone-she loves to gossip! Irene lives at number 19-she is quite old and doesn't She loves it when people drop in to see her for a cup of tea and a biscuit. She likes to talk abou when she was young-she can remember what Main Street was like 50 years ago. It's a friend ood. c) work late What is the author's opinion about Pat? True country. c) 5 d) 6 b) has 2 children c) is interested in other's life Fals Fals Fal 3. Pat is my neighbour who... a) works late NSWER THE QUESTIONS. PROVIDE SHORT ANSWER TO EACH QUESTION. What does the author think about her neighbours? d) is

ZHICH ZHICH    1   30.05.2023 11:35    36

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