Listening 7 3,18 Listen to the dialogue and choose the
correct words to complete the text.
In 1429/1492, Christopher Columbus' voyage
across the Indian / Atlantic Ocean started the
colonization of America. However, he wasn't the
first European explorer to visit the continent.
Vikings / Pirates from northern Europe had
been there about 410 / 500 years before him.
Columbus didn't even know he had reached
America - he thought he had landed in East
Asia / the Bahamas! When he returned to Italy
Spain, he brought many new plants that he
had found on his journeys. Before Columbus,
there were no 'tomatoes / carrots in Italy and
there was no chocolate in Switzerland!​

Iskrmsndrxjdjjsd Iskrmsndrxjdjjsd    2   25.04.2021 22:04    24

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