Listen to the text and choose the right answers. 1) Rainbows are often seen
Rainbows are produced when
@) after a rainstorm
b) after the sun sets at night
a) light exits many raindrops at different angles
c) before a rainstorm
b) the sun causes a rainstorm
d) before a storm
c) the spectrum causes a rainstorm
d) the sun comes out after a storm
3) Which of the following is NOT true?
4) What colour is NOT in a rainbow?
a) Double rainbows are two rainbows that are
exactly the same.
a) yellow
b) indigo
b) Spectrum colours sometimes appear in
Fountains and waterfalls.
c) violet
d) pink
c) Moonbows are caused by moonlight.
d) Rainbows are usually seen after or during a
5) Moonbows are caused because
6) What colour is a moonbow?
a) sunlight shines through pieces of ice
b) the Moon shines during daytime
a) dark-blue
b) black
c) moonlight shines through drops of water c) white
d) brown
d) the Sun shines late at night
Choose the right answers.
7) When is the Mother's day celebrated in 8) Rugby is a national sport of
a) Scotland
b) Wales
a) on the fourth Sunday in Lent
b) on the second Sunday in Eve
c) France
d) Ireland
c) on the first Sunday in Lent
d) on the third Sunday of March
9) Who was Lewis Carol?
10) When did the London Underground
a) an acton
b) a scientist
a) 1910
b) 1751
c) a writer
d) the British monarch
c) 1863
d) 1836
11) Which country gave America the Statue 12) Which Italian city is famous for its
of Liberty
a) Germany
b) Russia
a) Palermo
b) Venice
c) England
d) France
c) Rome
d) Milan
13) Who discovered a very useful fact about 14) Which wizard counselled and assisted
the sides of right angle triangles? (This King Arthur according to the Arthurian
theorem bears his name.)
a) Euclid
b) Pythagoras
a) Gandalf
b) Old witch
c) Aristotle
d) Archimedes
c) Odin
d) Merlin​

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