Listen and look. объясни разницу между глаголами to sell и to buy. 1. this shop is called a baker's. it sells bread and cakes. 2. this is a newsagent's. you can buy comics and magazines here. you can buy sweets, too. 3. this is greengrocer's. you can buy fruit and vegetables here. you can buy flowers, too. 4. this is a toy shop. it sells all kinds of toys. 5. this is a chemist's. you can buy medicine here. you can buy soap and shampoo, too. 6. this is a big supermarket. you can buy all kinds of food here.

sasavotchel sasavotchel    3   14.07.2019 02:20    10

yoperesete yoperesete  07.09.2020 11:30
Sell -продавать buy -покупать 
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