Less than 2 hours: 2
2-4 hour
** Look at Mary's survey questions and the results
she collected. Write sentences as in the examples.
Free time at home (number of people surveyed: 10)
What is your
watch TV: ✓ ✓= 40%
favourite way of surf the Net: V = 30%
spending your free listen to music: V = 10%
time when you are talk on the phone: = 10%
at home?
other: V = 10%
less than 1: = 20%
2 How many hours
1-2: = 50%
of TV do you
2 - 3 = 20%
watch every day?
over 3: >= 0%
3 Do you like reading Yes: 1 /= 50%
books at home? No: = 50%
1 Forty per cent of my classmates like watching TV best.
2 A few people prefer surfing the Net in their free time.
3 Most people watch
4 No one
5 Half of my classmates
and the other half
Ганновер у ли гцетгьеьеуушде