Last week, Christine realised she was bored of watching television every evening and feeling tired all the time so she asked her friend Emma what (1) COULD SHE DO / SHE COULD DO to keep fit. Emma is a fitness instructor and a dietican. Emma advisrd Christine (2) DO / TO DO something more active in her spare time such as going to a gym. Christine said that she didn't like going to the gym and she wondered (3) IF THERE WAS / IF THERE IS something more interesting that she could do. Emma suggested a dance class or an aerobics class. Christine agreed that (4) THIS IS / THAT WAS a great idea and decided to join a salsa class. Emma told her (5) NOT TO OVERDO / NOT OVERDOING it in the beginning as this could lead to injuries. Emma also said that Christine (6) SHOULD TRY / SHOULD HAVE TRIED doing something like yoga, which is good for relaxation. Christine also wanted to know how (7) COULD SHE / SHE COULD improve her diet. Emma told her that she (8) HAD / HAS HAD to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. However, Christine complained that she (9) DISLIKED / HAD DISLAKED eating vegetables and asked (10) IF EMMA TO KNEW / IF EMMA TO KNOW any interesting ways of cooking vegetables to make them tastier. Emma suggested a recipe book that she often used. Christine thanked her friend for all her good advice and asked her whether (11) WOULD SHE LIKE / SHE WOULD LIKE to come round to her house for a nice healthy meal. Emma agreed and said she (12) WOULD BRING / HAD BRING the recipe book with her.