Language focus 1 Present continuous: affirmative
and negative
1 * Look at Sam's photos from the zoo.
Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the present continuous. Use the verbs in
the box.
play stand swim look watch sleep
1 The lions are sleeping 2 The baby gorilla
in the sun.
in a tree.
3 I
at a 4 We
monkeys eat their
5 The polar bears
swinning in their
6 He standingnext
to a baby elephant.
2 ** Look at the sentences in Exercise 1.
Correct the false sentences below.
1 The lions are fighting. X
The lions aren't fighting. They're sleeping.
2 The baby gorilla is eating its lunch.
3 I'm drawing a tarantula.
4 The monkeys are drinking
5 The polar bears are swimming
6 He's sitting on a baby elephant​

Owslalien Owslalien    3   26.01.2021 15:09    33

брагим брагим  21.01.2024 11:27
1 The lions are sleeping.
2 The baby gorilla is playing in the sun.
3 I am looking at a tarantula.
4 We are watching the monkeys eat their lunch.
5 The polar bears are swimming in their pool.
6 He is standing next to a baby elephant.

2 ** Look at the sentences in Exercise 1.
Correct the false sentences below.
1 The lions are fighting. (False)
The lions aren't fighting. They're sleeping.
2 The baby gorilla is eating its lunch. (False)
The baby gorilla is playing in the sun.
3 I'm drawing a tarantula.
4 The monkeys are eating their lunch. (False)
The monkeys are watching their lunch.
5 The polar bears are swimming. (False)
There is no correction needed as the sentence is already correct.
6 He's sitting on a baby elephant.
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