L.The people who decide the general policy of the bank are:
a) shareholders
b) the board of directors
c) the executive staff
2. The bank financial position can be discovered from:
a) a report
b) an announcment
c) a statement
3. Bank profits kept back for later use are:
a) withdrawals
b) surplus
c) retained profits
4. Earnings remaining after all the expenses of a business activity have been
paid are:
a) dividend
b) capital
c) profit
5. Money which one person allows another to use for a specified time and which
will then be returned is:
a) investments
c) interest
6. The Chairman and Board of Directors are elected by the:
a) owners
b) elected shareholders
c) ordinary shareholders
7. The essence of a bank’s activities is the:
a) organising companies
b) collection of deposits
c) drawing cheques
8. The bank must use the funds wisely:
a) to open new accounts
b) to distribute funds
c) to make a profit
9. The Annual General Meeting decides how much of the profit should be distributed to the:
a) owners
b) shareholders
c) borrowers
10. From the published accounts shareholders can easily determine the:
a) current accounts
b) total profits
c) money earned

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