КТО ШАРИТ ЗА АНГЛИЙСКИЙ? НАПИШИТЕ СОЧИНЕНИЕ НА ТЕМУ КОМПЬЮТЕРНЫЕ ИГРЫ. 1) МНЕНИЕ КОГО-ТО (например, что родители относятся к этому плохо и т.д заинтересовать читателя)
2) две положительные стороны 3)две отрицательные стороны и своеобразный вывод.
4) Твое мнение (я, мы, ты, мое, твое)
100-150 слов,
Computer games.
My parents say that computer games are not the best way to relax. They say that because of the computer, I'm starting to learn worse and worse.
But I think that's not quite true. I use computer games to vent negative emotions. Thus, I don't take it out on my family, but translate all emotions into a game. With the help of computer games, I can find friends by interests and not be alone in my hobby.
However, there are also disadvantages of such leisure. Spending a long time behind a computer screen greatly spoils vision and affects the psyche. Computer games also take a lot of time and cause addiction.
I think that games are not bad. You just need to know the measure in everything and then there will be no problems.