Кто шарит в английском с домашкой Lesson 5 Modern Railways
Modern railways are impossible without automation.
Task 1 Translate the terms into Russian
block system interlocking dispatcher road crossing
switch switch indicator
switch lock
switch is lined properly
block signal
signal centre
signal “clear” color light signals
signal repairs
fixed signal signal equipment
railway signaling system
train arrival
train departure
train movement
train movement control
Task 2 Read the sentences about signaling. Pay attention to active and passive verbs/ active
and passive participles
Active Present
1V (s)
Active Participle
Passive Present
am/is/are 3Ved
Passive Participle
Modern signaling provides the safety of traffic. The driver is given accurate information
regarding the state of the line ahead. Modern railways use different signaling systems.
Locomotives operated automatically are equipped with cab signals. The locomotive cab signal
is a small colour light signal, placed on a panel directly in front of the driver’s seat, giving the
same signal indications that are given by the block signals along the track.
A.Modern railway is a huge and complex system. Few passengers realize
that it requires the services of an army of trained railroad employees to
make their travel possible. Railway traffic operation must ensure a safe and
efficient handling of trains at all stages including stations, freight
terminals, marshalling yards, signal and control centres, etc. In order to
facilitate train operations, all railroads, except the very short ones, are
divided into sections or divisions.
B.The operation business (include) management of classification yard work
(be) very important. Computers and Automatic Car Identification System
(ACI) (use) to speed the process of car classification. Electronic scanners
(read) colour-coded identification labels on (income) cars and (relay) the
information to yard computers that (assign) the cars to the proper track.
The scanner (do) it three times faster than any car dispatcher.
C.Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) is a system in which trains controled
from a central point through remote operation of switches and signals. The
operator (sees) each train on a large control panel and (directs) traffic on a
proper railroad track. When a train (enters) the (controlled) section, a
small light (flashes) on the panel. From the terminal the operator (pushes)
a button (actuating) switches and signals miles away. The switches andsignals (are operated) electrically (making) it impossible to admit two
trains to the same track.
D. Communication devices such as the telephone, radio and television (use)
in traffic operations (decrease) the danger of train collisions. The
locomotive driver (communicate) with stations along the track or with other
trains on the route. In case of an emergency the engine driver can radio a
warning to other drivers (ask) the dispatcher for help. Driverless trains
(use) on modern railways (open) up great prospects. The Maglev train
(run) on a magnetic cushion (be) 4 inches above the track.
Technical Progress in the Field of Railways
Task 1 What is the speed of modern trains? Why are modern trains fast?
Watch the film about the Japan’s Maglev, the fastest train in the world,
and its records. Answer the questions.
Japan’s Maglev train sets a new record! It has broken its own world record!
1 How many cars does the test train consist of?
2 What is the present day speed of the Maglev?
3 What is the new speed record?
4 What is the train propelled and lifted by?
5 How high (how many inches) is it above the track?
6 What company owns the train?
7 What is the distance between Tokyo and Nagoya?
8 How many minutes would the train run from Tokyo to Nagoya in 2027?
Task 2 Why is the train called Maglev? What does the word “maglev” mean?Task 3 Read the text to understand the meaning of the word “maglev”.Read
and translate the text.
Use the verbs in brackets in the right form (Active or
Passive verb or participle)
As an alternative to high-speed rail (base) on traditional flanged-wheel
vehicles the technology of magnetic levitation, or maglev, has received
considerable attention and research. A maglev vehicle (ride) on an air
cushion (create) by electromagnetic reaction between an on-board device and
the other embedded in its guideway. Propulsion and braking (achieve) by
varying the frequency and voltage of a linear motor system (embody) in the
guideway and (react) with magnets on the vehicles.

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