Кто разбирается в вопросах,хелп. поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму. 1.i've met him before. 2.they ve learned the new rule. 3.he's finished his work. 4.the boy has woken up. 5.she's made this misrake before. 6.they've had a long walk today.

Tgfdvbgg Tgfdvbgg    1   01.07.2019 00:30    3

goratkin2005 goratkin2005  24.07.2020 13:21
1. Have I met him before?
2. Have they learned the new rule?
3. Has he finished his work?
4. Has the boy woken up?
5. Has she made this mistake before?
6. Have they had a long walk today?
1. I haven't met him before.
2. They haven't learned the new rule.
3. He hasn't finished his work.
4. The boy hasn't woken up.
5. She hasn't made this mistake before.
6. They haven't had a long walk today.
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