Кто может ответ как можно быстро нужен !

read the sentences and fill in the gaps with the following words: arrival, punctual, platform, full up, bus stop. don’t forget about a comma

примечание: напишите 5 слов через запятую без нумерации ответов. слова для работы уже даны. все слова должны быть написаны с маленькой буквы. точку в конце ставить не нужно. следите за правильным написанием слов.

example answer: arrival, punctual, platform, full up, bus stop

1) our train leaves from 7.

2) i waited at the for ten minutes, and then two buses arrived.

3) i couldn’t get on the first bus because it was

4) the train was half an hour late. i think the reason for the late was bad weather.

5) buses are not very sometimes they come every five minutes, then other times you have to wait for forty minutes.

TASHER228YMMlol TASHER228YMMlol    2   11.11.2019 23:09    6

Madwoman17 Madwoman17  10.10.2020 12:34

1. platform

2. bus stop

3. full up

4. arrival

5. punctual


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